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*    The debutante program really changed my views on women and my own capabilities. I particularly liked the women in business and marketing presentation because it helped me to realize that there are all types of opportunities ahead of me and that women are encouraged to join the workplace which is a great message. I'm so grateful to be surrounded by strong confident women! - Sophie Gee


*   I really liked it! It was really fun and I know that all the classes and everything I learned will be super helpful to me a few years down the road. The ball was amazing and super fancy, and I really liked the dance. I'm really glad I did it! - Jamie Shannon


*    I had an absolute blast in your class!  I learned so much about how to be an elegant, yet confident and empowered lady in society.  The lessons that were taught were so helpful and changed my perspectives on the world and women's role in it.  It was so cool to be taught by so many interesting, intelligent women.  I can't thank you enough.  - Rachel Richey


*    Not only was the class very fun and exciting, but it was also super educational.  I really learned a not about how to be more empowered, strong, and confident in society today, but still be an elegant, refined woman.  Although thinking about my future scares me quite a bit, this class really prepared me for college and my future career...My absolute favorite part was the dance pary towards the end.  I had a wonderful time dancing with my friends and family.  The music was great, and I felt like a princess as my dress twirled around my legs.  It was a complete blast. - Mariah Richey


*    In addition to feeling like a princess, I learned so much from this program.  The Debutante Ball was so much fun!  It was great being able to be surrounded by friends all dressed up.  What a magical night. - Annika Hansen


*   I always looked forward to every Tuesday night when we had the classes.  It was great to be surrounded by my friends, while learning what it means to be a refined, empowered woman.  I also liked hearing all the guest speakers.  I learned so much from them.  And The Modern Debutante Ball was a blast. - Kaitlyn Seelig





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